Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Lake Tarpon Reports

Thursday October 23rd

Went out on Lake Tarpon for about 3 and half hours and did pretty good. Got on the Lake about 12:30 and the wind was howling! I worked a lipless crank bait (that shall remain nameless) all around the north end catching 3 shorts. I moved to mid-lake area and and caught 3 keepers in about 25 minutes with 2 and a 3 pounder all on the same lipless crank. They were hitting it well as the waves were pushing the baitfish all over the place.

Saturday October 25th
Tournament-North Tampa Bass Club

With another windy day in store, I planned on throwing my lipless crankbait with reckless abandon and that 's exactly what I did! The only thing was the bite just wasn't there today. I stuck with it far to much as I kept catching small fish, thinking I was going to get that big bite if I keep cranking. I eventually stopped cranking and targeted docks. The fish were there but it was becoming evident that it just wasn't my day as I lost a fish that was in the 6-8 pound range. With less than an hour left in the tournament I got several more bites but could not land them, one being about a 2 and half pounder. I finished the tournament with an unbelievable 0 fish on my home lake but somehow held on for Angler of the Year. This was one of the toughest days overall I have fished on Tarpon!

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